
Melih Tuzmen
5 min readNov 7, 2020

Resilience >> Serenity >> Mindfulness

Resilience is the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly.

We coped with the reality and then identiified our selves as resilient… Then what???


I will walk you through a metaphor; which you may agree that it is custom tailored to help describe serenity…

You are happily driving your car. You drove on bumpy roads, through potholes and sometimes on nice pavement. Drove through the fog, rain, snow and even on ice. You drove to the right and to the wrong. You went up the hill and then came the down-hill.

You are happily driving and the sun is shining

Then you came to a beautiful valley leaving all those miles/km’s behind. And you are fully aware of your resilience.

After taking the smooth curve to the right you noticed a nice vista point. Pulled over

You have worries, you have regrets, you have fond memories, you have failures together with successes and you have expectations. Do not act like they do not exist; just put them aside.

You stopped the car and the engine is idling. Pull the hand-brake! You are safe and sound…

Start breathing deeply gazing at the inviting scenery and you are on the threshold of SERENITY… Go ahead and just step in!


Almost everyone has heard the Serenity Prayer or a variation of it, but what does serenity truly mean? While the meaning can vary from person to person, the practice of serenity can make a big difference in your recovery. Serenity can help you find inner peace, enjoy a less chaotic lifestyle and throw away the addictions that hindered you in the past. Your life is beautiful, and through serenity and Recovery, you can reclaim control over a hopeless situation.

God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

The definition of serenity is a state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled. Achieving this positive state of mind means you won’t feel as troubled by life’s ups and downs. Sserenity will help you stay calm and true to yourself.

Others look at serenity as a sense of coming home to your true self and purpose. It’s not a luxurious, peaceful state. Instead, it’s an essential part of your body, mind and soul. Experiencing a state of serenity can help you avoid chronic stress and also tell you more about the activities that make you happy. It’s not just for monks, nuns and hermits hiding away in the mountains. Serenity can help you in recovery and make a difference in how you view the challenges in your life.

Tips for Finding Serenity

We all need help recognizing how to find serenity in our daily lives. Try using the following tips to find a beautiful inner peace every day:

  • Give thanks: Start and end your day by giving thanks for all you have, whether it’s food, shelter, clothing or something else.
  • Practice acceptance: Life will always throw you curveballs, and it can get you down if you don’t practice acceptance.
  • Be kind: Acting unkindly toward others does not benefit you. Instead, be kind, and most others will in turn be kind to you.
  • Get enough sleep: Getting the right amount of sleep each night will help you wake up with a clear and relaxed mind.
  • Keep your environment clean: It’s hard to relax in a messy space, so keep your space clean and fill it with things that bring you joy.
  • Calm your wandering mind: Our minds easily drift away to unsettling thoughts when we let them. Instead, bring them back to what you love.
  • Use serenity quotes: Hang serenity quotes on your fridge, around your home and in your car to remind yourself of your goals.

Benefits of Serenity in Recovery

There’s a reason many Recovery programs include the Serenity Prayer. Addiction is the opposite of serenity — it’s all about chaos, a war in your head and a life dictated by things that can destroy you. Serenity in Recovery is what you should strive for so that you can achieve a sense of calm and peace. It can give you a sense of contentment without using a substance that can hurt you.

Do you genuinely feel a sense of serenity on a regular basis? Or does it seem like feelings of anxiety in nearly all aspects of life have become the status quo? Most people aren’t able to enjoy feelings of calmness and peace on a regular basis. Everyone feels stress or anxiety from time to time, but it doesn’t have to become a way of life.

You might have some control over your environment, but you can’t control others. Your own response is the only thing completely under your control.

Developing these habits will make your life more calm and serene. There’s a tremendous benefit to reducing the stress in your life. You’ll be healthier and enjoy your life more.

Black Tomato-Iceland

../ To be continued-mmt-November 8, 2020-Çeşme



Melih Tuzmen

Founder & CEO The Crowing Rooster-Cofounder K I N D Pro. Services -Focused on Luxury Brands Only!